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Consequences of Health Hazards Of Prolonged Sitting – sitting is unsafe for your health if you spend much more of the day sitting than doing anything else.

They have made us sit for a long time without any physical activity in our daily lives or current living standards. This comes with added mass that results in obesity and other complications associated with muscular and vascular troubles, such as muscle pull, arterial or blood vessel trouble, and poor circulation.

Prolonged Sitting

Whether traveling to work or school, working in front of a computer or television, playing video games, or using a smartphone or tablet for prolonged periods, have you ever considered how many hours a day you spend sitting?

Sedentary lifestyle

As per the, approximately 60% of the world’s population does not do enough physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

What Happens if You Sit All Day?

What Happens if You Sit All Day_Not moving harms your body:

  • Your brain is not oxygenated well.
  • You produce more insulin than necessary.
  • The spine weakens and loses flexibility.
  • Muscles can degenerate.
  • There is poor circulation in the legs.
  • Decreases the heart rate of your brain functions.
  • Cholesterol and blood pressure rise.
  • The bones soften.
  • Energy consumption drops to one calorie per minute.
  • Enzymes that help break down fat molecules decrease.

Why Sitting Too Much Is Bad for Your Health?

  • Dementia is more likely
  • How to take a stand
  • If you don’t move it, you could lose your health
  • It can shorten your life
  • It hurts your heart
  • It leads to varicose veins
  • It wrecks your back
  • You could get dvt
  • You’ll gain weight
  • You’ll undo all that exercise
  • Your anxiety might spike
  • Your cancer risk goes up
  • Your odds of diabetes rise

How Long Can You Sit Per Day?

Daniela believes there is no maximum time to sit. However, we must be aware that being in a static position for a long time is not beneficial. ‘The body is not made to be in a static position for more than 60 minutes,’ comments the expert.

Do This if You Spend a Lot of Time Sitting.

  • Stand up every 30 minutes and walk.
  • Do stretching exercises, and your muscles will thank you.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
  • Walk a few minutes after eating.
  • While talking on the phone, if possible, stand up and walk around a bit.

During the Day, Take Breaks to Walk.

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity benefits metabolic balance in diabetics and those with high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, helping them gradually reduce them.

It is divided into two categories:

Unstructured physical activity

Activities can be mentioned, such as

  • Mow the grass.
  • Perform household chores, such as sweeping or mopping.
  • Up and down stairs.
  • Dance.
  • Walk.
  • Any occupation that involves movement.

Structured Physical Activity

It involves carrying out physical activities such as:

  • Go to the gym under the supervision of a professional.
  • Practice a sport and establish a routine with an established schedule, duration, and intensity.

WHO Recommends

According to Wellhealthorganic.Com, WHO recommends 60 minutes of moderate or intense daily activity for children and adolescents. In comparison, 150 minutes of moderate activity should be performed weekly for those over 18. Below are some points mentioned to do.

At Work:

  • Get up periodically to drink water or go to the printer.
  • Stand up while talking on the phone.
  • Take breaks to walk and go up or down stairs.

 At Home:

  • Watching television while doing activities that require standing, such as ironing and getting up during television commercials.
  • Go for a walk instead of being at home.

In the free time:

  • Take the pet for a walk.
  • Play or go to the park with the children.
  • Watching television while exercising on a stationary bike.


Sitting for long periods of time is not good for your health. Various studies indicate that spending more than 6 and 8 hours sitting increases the risk of health issues.